[हिंदी] Digital skills [MCQ] Questions ITI 1 st year ?

1.) In Excel, the intersection of a row and column is called a ....... ?

A. Cell

B. Label 🏷️

C. Square

D. Work sheet

Ans - Cell  ✓ Right 👍

[हिन्दी] डिजिटल कौशल [एमसीक्यू] आईटीआई प्रथम वर्ष
2.) In MS exal, collaction of work sheet is known as ........ ?

A. Work sheet

B. Work book 📚

C. Exal Book

D. Sheet work

Ans - Work book ✓ Right 👍

3.) In MS exal, to insert a formula in cell, we must begin the entry with an operator ....... ?

A.  =

B. $

C. @

D. #

Ans - =  ✓ Right 👍

4.) In MS paint 🎨 which extension is not supported ........ ?

A. .Jpeg

B. .doc

C. .gif

D. .png

Ans - .doc  ✓ Right 👍

5.) In which orientation, the text is printed length wise?

A. Land scape

B. Margin

C. Portrait

D. Width

Ans - Portrait ✓ Right 👍

6.) In which orientation, the text is printed width wise?

A. Width

B. Margin

C. Portrait

D. Land scape

Ans - Land scape ✓ Right 👍

7.) Program that infects other program by modifying them is called ....... ?

A. Search engine

B. Virus 🦠

C. Antivirus

D. Cyber crime

Ans - Virus ✓ Right 👍

8.) Spread sheet are saved with extension ........ ?

A. .xls

B. .doc

C. .pdf

D. .MP3

Ans - .xls  ✓ Right 👍

9.) The expansion of LAN is ....... ?

A. Local area name

B. Local area network

C. Logical area network

D. Legal area network

Ans - Local area network ✓ Right 👍

10.) The example of RAM is ....... ?

A. Read octet machine

B. Random access memory

C. Read access memory

D. Random access machine

Ans - Random access memory ✓ Right 👍

11.) The expansion of ROM is ........ ?

A. Read octet machine

B. Read only memory

C. Random access memory

D. Rewrite octet machine

Ans - Read only memory ✓ Right 👍

12.) The expansion of WAN is ....... ?

A. Wide area name

B. Web assigned name

C. Wide area network

D. Web aided network

Ans - Wide Area network ✓ Right 👍

13.) What 'ASAP' stand for, in SMS language?

A. As silent as probable

B. As soon as probable

C. As soon as possible

D. As simple as possible

Ans - As soon as possible ✓ Right 👍

14.) What is a shortcut key for "Copy" command?

A. Ctrl + C

B. Ctrl + V

C. Ctrl + A

D. Ctrl + X

Ans - Ctrl + C

15.) What is shortcut key for "Cut" command?

A. Ctrl + C

B. Ctrl + V

C. Ctrl + A

D. Ctrl + X

Ans - Ctrl  + X  ✓ Right 👍

16.) What is a shortcut key for "select all" command?

A. Ctrl + C

B. Ctrl + V

C. Ctrl + A

D. Ctrl + X

Ans - Ctrl + A ✓ Right 👍

17.) What is shortcut key for "paste" command?

A. Ctrl + C

B. Ctrl + V

C. Ctrl + A

D. Ctrl + X

Ans - Ctrl + V  ✓ Right 👍

18.) What is cell address of 4th row and 4th column?

A. 4D

B. E4

C. D4

D. B4

Ans - D4  ✓ Right 👍

19.) What is the default name of newly created 📁 folder in windows?

A. Folder

B. New

C. New folder 📁

D. Blank

Ans - New folder ✓ Right 👍

20.) What is the expansion of "FYI" SMS?

A. For your information

B. For your identification

C. For your internet

D. For you innocence

Ans - For your information ✓ Right 👍

📒 Word's in the Full from -

SMS - Short message service 

ROM - Read only memory 

ASAP - As soon as possible 

FYI - For your information 

MS - Master of science / Microsoft exal 

DOC - Document 

 XLS  - Microsoft Excel worksheet 

PDF - Probable documents format 

RAM - Random access memory 

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🌅 Ok, ok, ok 🙏 Thanks, Have a nice day ☀️.

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भारत में, आईटीआई का अर्थ औद्योगिक प्रशिक्षण संस्थान है। ये उत्तर - माध्यमिक विद्यालय हैं जो विभिन्न व्यवसायों में व्यावसायिक प्रशिक्षण प्रदान करते हैं। इन्हें कौशल विकास और उद्यमिता मंत्रालय के तहत प्रशिक्षण महानिदेशालय (डीजीटी) द्वारा प्रशासित किया जाता है। आईटीआई पाठ्यक्रम आम तौर पर 1-2 साल की अवधि के होते हैं और नौकरी बाजार के लिए प्रासंगिक व्यावहारिक कौशल पर केंद्रित होते हैं। जो लोगों के हित में कार्य करते हैं?

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