Needle, Container, Helmet ⛑️, and Godown | E.S.O.Q?

 Q.) A needle is a ........ ?

A. Thin small objects with a sharp point Right 👍 ✓

B. Thick big objects with a blunt point

C. Thin small objects with a blunt point

D. Thin big objects with a sharp point 

1.) A container truck 🚒 is a ......... ?

A. Small industrial vehicle used to carry goods?

B. Large industrial vehicle used to carry goods Right 👍 ✓

C. Large passenger vehicles used to carry people

D. Small industrial vehicle used to carry water 💦

2.) A helmet is a ........... ?

A. Hard round protective gear Right 👍 ✓

B. Soft long gear for motorists

C. Hard rectangular protective wear

D. Soft triangular protective gear for motorists 

3.) A godown is a ......... ?

A. Small narrow space for walking

B. Large open space for playing

C. Large empty space for storing goods Right 👍 ✓

D. Small busy place for selling goods 

4.) An email is a ............. ?

A. Chatting feature on phone 📱 without internet

B. Virtual message exchanged between people using the internet Right 👍 ✓

C. Mail posted in a post 🏣 office

D. Speed post send through the post office 

5.) A computer keyboard is a ........ ?

A. Flat square shaped board with black and white key's

B. Circular board with numeric key's

C. Flat rectangular bord without alphabet 🔤 and special keys Right 👍 ✓

D. Spherical objects with colourful key's 

6.) Rearrange the words to from a sentence?

A. It's best - Abdc

B. Is simple - dabav

C. Science - adbc

D. Common sense at - cbda Right 👍 ✓

7.) Rearrange the words to from a sentence?

A. He come - bcda

B. Some sugar - bcad

C. From her house - adbc Right 👍 ✓

D. To borrow - 🔡 abcd 

8.) Rearrange the words to from a sentence?

A. I wanted - abcd Right 👍 ✓

B. To tell here - adbc

C. To listen 👂- acdb

D. To me - bcad

9.) Rearrange the words to from a sentence?

A. The CEO - abcd

B. Made - Abdd

C. Right decision - abcd Right 👍 ✓

D. The - bcad

10.)  Identify the correct sentence type AC mechanics are in great demand now?

A. Imperative Right 👍 ✓

B. Declaratives

C. Interrogative

D. Exclamatory 

11.) Identify the correct sentence type, wear your safety gear while welding?

A. Imperative

B. Declarative Right 👍 ✓

C. Interrogative

D. Exclamatory 

12.) Identify the correct sentence type, you are hired?

A. Imperative Right 👍 ✓

B. Declarative

C. Interrogative

D. Exclamatory 

13.) Correct sentence, did you apply for the apprenticeship program?

A. Imperative

B. Declarative

C. Interrogative Right 👍 ✓

D. Exclamatory 

14.) Correct sentence, leave the room immediately?

A. Imperative

B. Declarative Right 👍 ✓

C. Interrogative

D. Exclamation 

15.) Correct sentence, Is it safe to conduct the experiment 🧪 hear?

A. Imperative

B. Declarative

C. Interrogative Right 👍 ✓

D. Exclamatory 

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Ok, ok, ok, 🙏, Have a nice day ☀️.

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