Happy, car, house, really and supermarket | E.S. Questions and answers

 Q.) Her hair is long and ............ ?

A. Curly Right 👍 ✓

B. Happy

C. Slim

D. Late

1.) He drives a bright red spots 🚗 car, It's very ........... ?

A. Hopeful

B. Warm Right 👍 ✓

C. Blue

D. Urgent 

2.) This house is 🏡 .......... And old?

A. Young

B. Electric

C. Large Right 👍 ✓

D. Fat

3.) I'm feeling really ........ Today?

A. Late

B. Long

C. Happy Right 👍✓

D. Round 

4.) The food 🥑 at this supermarket is always .......... ?

A. Gentle

B. Hopeful

C. Empty

D. Fresh Right 👍 ✓

5.) Which word is an adjective?

A. After

B. Preety Right 👍 ✓

C. Taste 

D. 🏦 Bank

6.) Which word is adjective?

A. Dirty Right 👍 ✓

B. Ran

C. Away

D. Boy

7.) Which word is an adjective?

A. Eat 

B. Hot 🔥 Right 👍 ✓

C. Mend

D. 🍲 Soup 

8.) Which word is an adjective?

A. Beautiful 😍 Right 👍 ✓

B. 🏞️ Park

C. Wave 🌊

D. Sea ⛵

9.) Which of the following expression can be used to make request?

A. I hope

B. Please repeat 🔁 Right 👍 ✓

C. I believe

D. Maybe 🤔

10.) Which of the following expression can be used to make enquiry?

A. I'm sorry 😔

B. Can you tall me

C. Is it so Right 👍 ✓

D. Thanks 🙏 you 

11.) Which one of the following is a short response?

A. Oh, I 🙈 see Right 👍 ✓

B. I have never thought about it this way

C. Please repeat 🔁

D. Sorry 😔

12.) Which is following phrases can be used to share information ℹ️?

A. Thanks 🙏

B. It is about Right 👍 ✓

C. Sorry

D. I see

13.) The phrase 'Could' you give me Idea 💡 of is used for -

A. Thanking someone

B. Introducing someone

C. Asking for information Right 👍 ✓

D. Giving information 

14.) What will be the response to the statement 'How was class' today?

A. It was fine we learned many new things Right 👍 ✓

B. Oh, I see

C. Thanks you

D. It is so

15.) What will you say if someone asked how do you go to the library from here?

A. Not coming

B. Please take the next right and go straight Right 👍 ✓

C. I think I borrowed the book 📚 last week

D. Yes, the library is open 

People also asked?

Thanks 🙏, Have a nice day ☀️.

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