Employability Skills Objective Questions and Answers?

 Q.) The trainees ...... Their course successfully last months ?

A. Complete

B. Competed Right 👍 ✓

C. Are completed

D. Was completed 

1.) The plumber ........ The taps only now?

A. Fit

B. Ate fitting

C. Is fitting Right 👍 ✓

D. Was fitting 

2.) Sending email to communicate information is a from of -

A. A spoken communication

B. Written communication Right 👍 ✓

C. Oral communication

D. Voice communication 

3.) Which of the following is not a challenge is learning a language?

A. Lack of vocabulary

B. Elack of confidence

C. Lake of motivation

D. Lake of companion Right 👍 ✓

4.) Which the following statements is true?

A. Using mother tongue to learn English can be helpful? Right 👍 ✓

B. Mother tongue interference is bad

C. English connect be learnt through one's mother tongue?

D. You should not use mother tongue while learning English 

5.) Of the strategies listed below, which one can help you in setting a goal to learn English?

A. Planning short term for a week

B. Planning short term for a month

C. Planning short term for a week, a month and year Right 👍 ✓

D. You can do it without any planning 

6.) Which the first step in learning a language?

A. Planning Right 👍 ✓

B. Setting a goal

C. Sticking to the plan

D. Buying books 📚

7.) Which can one do to overcome shyness?

A. Try to talk to friend often

B. Share feeling

C. Identify strength and be confident Right 👍 ✓

D. Avoid meeting 🤝 friends 

8.) We read an type in English whenever we?

A. Book tickets for trains or movies Right 👍 ✓

B. Go out to the beach

C. Work in lathe

D. Measure object 

9.) Developing one's vocabulary can be done through?

A. Reading newspaper 📰

B. Watching related videos 📸

C. Listening 🎧 to talks

D. All of the above Right 👍✓

10.) .......... Word's state the name of person place, think or an idea 💡?

A. Naming word's

B. Action words

C. Description words Right 👍 ✓

D. Pronoun 

People also ask? 

Congratulations -  What did you learn from this block? If you learned something, questions might have come to your mind, You can ask in the comment box? Thanks 🙏. Have a nice day ☀️.

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भारत में, आईटीआई का अर्थ औद्योगिक प्रशिक्षण संस्थान है। ये उत्तर - माध्यमिक विद्यालय हैं जो विभिन्न व्यवसायों में व्यावसायिक प्रशिक्षण प्रदान करते हैं। इन्हें कौशल विकास और उद्यमिता मंत्रालय के तहत प्रशिक्षण महानिदेशालय (डीजीटी) द्वारा प्रशासित किया जाता है। आईटीआई पाठ्यक्रम आम तौर पर 1-2 साल की अवधि के होते हैं और नौकरी बाजार के लिए प्रासंगिक व्यावहारिक कौशल पर केंद्रित होते हैं। जो लोगों के हित में कार्य करते हैं?

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